Excursion to Berlin Wall Memorial

We had a very warm summer, and the first weeks of autumn promise us a really summery weather – a perfect opportunity for an open-air excursion to the Berlin Wall Memorial. The date is fixed, and the course together with me is looking forward to the excursion.

On day X I open the weather app. And what do I see there? – Rain, as it belongs to all open-air plans. A short message to the course group: “People, please take umbrellas with you”. So far it hasn’t rained all summer.

Anxious for a nice excursion, we all drive together towards Bernauer Straße. Among us are Irma from Peru, who witnessed the fall of the wall in East Berlin, Yaser, who was born almost ten years after this event, and the son of Ali, who is only nine years old but has already learned a lot about the wall at school.

We get off at Bernauer Straße, come up from the subway, and… it’s not raining, it’s shaking. The umbrellas, which were taken along as a precaution, definitely don’t save the day. And now? We are an evening course: The visitor centre is already closed. But the north station! There you can have a look at a permanent exhibition about the ghost stations in East Berlin in the warm and dry station building. Although the texts on the exhibition boards are still a bit too difficult for our course, there are many vivid pictures and me who can explain everything accessible:

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